Your Contributions to the seminar

Attendance and Participation 20%

Weekly discussion questions 20%

Soundmap 20%

Collaborative Final Project 20%

Reflection Paper 20%

On two occasions near the beginning and midway through the term we’ll schedule 30min one on one conversations to discuss your individual interests and needs.

Weekly Discussion Questions

Please bring at least two questions on the reading to seminar each week and note one thing that surprised you in the reading.


We will be doing a workshop on soundmapping. No previous creative practice is required. Our goal is to try new approaches rather than create a fully formed or polished soundmap.

Collaborative Final Project

We will decide the form of the collaborative final project together.  It could be a map, an archive, or a game that takes up the themes of or something inspired by the course. Again our focus is on the process rather than a polished project.  A thoughtful reflection paper will include your contribution to the project, its challenges and rewards, and what you learned from the collaborative project in terms of the process, your interests and research.